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This excursion is available during the following months : April/May and November

Departures every day at : 10:30 and at 13:30

Also suitable for children 

Price: 45€ per person for adults 35€ per person for children under 12 years old


This excursion includes the visit of the north side of Etna, a side much less frequented by the mass of tourists. Due to the presence of a lot of snow, we will stop at an altitude of 2500 meters with off-road vehicles. The departure is scheduled from Piano Provenzana where you will get on 4×4 vehicles authorized to transport tourists at high altitude. The climb includes the passage along the magnificent scenic road surrounded by volcanic landscape. Once arrived at an altitude of 2500 meters we will stop on the edge of one of the large craters of the 1809 eruption that has a depth of about 70 meters. After that we will start an easy trekking along the magnificent lava field with lava rifts of 1614-24, the active fractures of the northeast rift, the craters of 1879 (one of the largest craters on the flanks of Etna volcano perfectly comparable to one of the summit craters) and finally the first explosive craters of 2002 that destroyed the ski-lift. After a short descent, we will return to the off-road vehicles that will take us to the big craters of 2002, where we will take another route, always accompanied by guides, along the edge of one of the craters that destroyed the tourist site of Piano Provenzana, before the final return to the starting point with the off-road vehicles.

Included in the price:

  • Authorized Volcanological Guide
  • Off-road vehicle (round trip) from an altitude of 1800 m. to an altitude of 2500 m.
  • Insurance in case of accidents


  • Parking ticket (3 euros to be paid on the spot for the parking ticket)
  • Bottled water
  • Snack
  • Windbreaker jacket
  • Gloves and hat
  • K-way (rain jacket)


Meeting at Piano Provenzana (Tourist station on the north side of Etna at an altitude of 1800 meters) at 10:00 AM (and at 13:00)

Departure with off-road vehicles

Arrival at 2500 meters and start of the 1,5 km trekking to visit the craters

Short descent by foot on volcanic sand

Return on transport

Visit to the big craters of 2002

Height difference in ascent 100 mt (variable value) – Height difference in descent 100 mt (variable value)

Total duration : 2h:30 min approx.

Total km : 2km

Difficulty level : Touristic

Compulsory equipment :

  • Layered clothing (short-sleeved shirt – long-sleeved thermal shirt – fleece or sweatshirt) – (variable depending on the season)
  • Hiking shoes
  • Windbreaker or feather jacket (variable depending on the season)
  • Gloves and hat
  • Water – minimum 1L per person

Possibility to rent hiking boots + jacket on site

Recommended Equipment :

  • Snack
  • Trekking poles
  • K-way (waterproof jacket)
  • Backpack 25/30 L
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen / cocoa butter
  • Long pants
  • Waterproof jacket


  • The trekking does not require great preparation at physical level, it turns out to be easy and absent of particularly difficult passages, attention is required however, walking on volcanic soil, often inconsistent and unstable.
  • The trekking is not recommended for those who usually do little motor activity.
  • The excursion may be subject to change at the discretion of the guides or be interrupted if the environmental, atmospheric or volcanic conditions should change, such as to compromise the safety of the entire group.
  • The total duration of the trekking will be in function of the pace of the group.
  • The excursion will take place within the limits provided by the ordinances in force.
  • Also suitable for children over the age of 4 years.
  • The route includes the ascent and the passage along the crater edges, this could cause problems of dizziness to sensitive subjects.
  • This itinerary, in relation to the typology, is suitable for people in a state of good physical health, who do not suffer from particular pathologies (cardiovascular, respiratory or hypertension).
  • We don’t recommend the use of contact lenses because of the gasses exhaled by the volcano and the ash that if pushed, could easily cause problems.
  • Pregnant women who have exceeded the third month of pregnancy, are not allowed any type of hiking activity.
  • To allow the success of the excursion and the proper conduct of the activity, it is good practice to know perfectly your health conditions and eventually present them to the Guide, all this to decrease the occurrence of any problems and avoid running risks.

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Guide Vulcanologiche Etna Nord
Email: info@guidevulcanologicheetna.it
Facebook: Guide Vulcanologiche Etna Nord 

Via Provenzana, 35, Ufficio Guide Vulcanologiche Etna Nord, 95015 Linguaglossa CT
Tel: +39 3455741330


© Volcanological Guides Etna Nord – Law 22 April 1941, n. 633
Protection of copyright and other rights related to its exercise.

Our group is made up of Guides belonging to the Regional College of Alpine and Volcanological Guides of Sicily, the Italian legislation provides that these professionals are the only ones authorized to lead groups in active volcanoes and throughout the island (Framework Law of 2 January 1989 No. 6 and Regional Law of April 6, 1996).