What are the rules in force to access the top of the Etna volcano from the North?
- The excursion activities are free up to an altitude of 2,850 m a.s.l. (Volcanological Observatory – Piano delle Concazze).
- Excursions to the summit areas of the volcano over an altitude of 2,850 m a.s.l., with access from the territory of the Municipality of Linguaglossa, are permitted only if accompanied by alpine/volcanological guides, who must be equipped with accident prevention equipment (including a protective helmet) in compliance with the fruition for the summit area, with the methods of execution indicated in the document “Volcanic risk alert procedures and methods of fruition for the summit area of the Etna Volcano” (which can be consulted on the institutional website of the Sicilian Region at the address:
www.regione.sicilia.it) relating to the state of the Etna Volcano. - That the guides authorized in accordance with the law, in the presence of volcanic activity associated with the fallout of ash or slag, immediately suspend the excursions.
The limitation referred to in the previous points does not apply to personnel in charge of safety and rescue, to the forces of order, to the personnel of the Civil Protection and of the Etna Park who carry out service activities in the area, to the scientific personnel who work to the summit quotas for civil protection and study purposes (university and INGV) and to the guides authorized in accordance with the law, to the alpine – volcanological guides and CAI personnel authorized in accordance with the law;
- Failure to comply with this provision will be punished, if the fact does not constitute a more serious offence, pursuant to art. 650 of the penal code.
SOURCE: Mayoral Ordinance n.55 of the Municipality of Linguaglossa Etna Nord
©Guide Vulcanologiche Etna Nord
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Email: info@guidevulcanologicheetna.it
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PEC: guidevulcanologicheetna@pec.it
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Headquarters in: Via Viola 1 – Linguaglossa (CT) ZIP code: 95015
Email: info.guidevulcanologicheetna@gmail.com
Tel: + 39 3455741330
© Volcanological Guides Etna Nord – Law 22 April 1941, n. 633
Protection of copyright and other rights related to its exercise.
Our group is made up of Guides belonging to the Regional College of Alpine and Volcanological Guides of Sicily, the Italian legislation provides that these professionals are the only ones authorized to lead groups in active volcanoes and throughout the island (Framework Law of 2 January 1989 No. 6 and Regional Law of April 6, 1996).