Every day by reservation (the departure is expected to reach a minimum of 6 participants) Prices: €50 per person (TRANSPORT AND SNOWSHOE RENTAL EXCLUDED) €45 for children under the age of 12 (excursion suitable for children over the age of 10) Trekking and snowshoeing...
Tutti i giorni su prenotazione (è prevista la partenza al raggiungimento di minimo 6 partecipanti) Prezzi: 50 € a pax (ESCLUSO TRASPORTI E AFFITTO CIASPOLE) 45 € per i bambini al di sotto dei 12 anni (escursione adatta a bambini con età superiore ai 10 anni)...
Snowshoe hike from Piano Provenzana As a guide company we are organizing snowshoeing every day every day when a minimum of 4 participants (adults) is reached, with meeting at 9:00 am and departure at 9:30 am from Piano Provenzana. This trek has a cost of: € 30...