The latest eruption of Etna on November 12, 2023, was characterized by the classic fountain activity (paroxysmal activity) with the incandescent jets, which in any case have not been able to cross the dense cloud cover that prevented admiring the volcanic eruption that affected the summit crater of South East on the evening of November 12, 2023.
• We write this message to inform all those who ask that the eruption is over, these events of particular energy have hardly a duration that exceeds 3h (Strombolian strong phase + lava fountain + conclusion of the eruptive event). Already yesterday evening immediately after 8:30 pm the volcanic phenomena had practically exhausted.
We want to inform ourselves that these eruptions with a violent character, rapid in their development and conclusion, are a risk for those who are nearby or in immediate proximity.
From the comparison of the information obtained, despite the bad weather at high altitude, together with the researchers it was possible to see the presence of a
pyroclastic deposit, most likely generated (shortly after 20:30) by the possible collapse of the oriental slope of the cone of the South East crater . This flow managed to travel (downhill) the steep wall (in the East -Sud East direction) inside the Bove Valley, arriving in a few seconds at 1900m. We always invite you to pay attention

and not to stay in the summit areas especially during the development of these phenomena.
Useful details
– No substantial problem at Catania’s airport, the winds did not push the column of ashes in a south direction but to the east.
– The inhabited centers involved by the fallout of ash were the following: Zafferana Etnea, Milo, Fornazzo, Fleri, Petrulli, Santa Venerina, Guardia San Giovanni Bosco, Santa Maria Sicalati, Pennisi, Pozzillo, Carruba, Torre Archirafi, Stazzo, Santa Tecla I would not exclude Acireale, to the Giarre margins and place.
– The excursions are regularly active

The lava fountain produced by the South East crater that crosses the lenticular
Article written by: Vincenzo Greco G.V.

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