Up to what altitude is it possible to climb the Etna volcano? Ordinance of access to the Etna volcano: Municipality of Bronte Considering the 58 paroxysms (violent activities of a purely explosive nature) produced by the South East Crater starting from 13 December...
Ordinance of access to the Etna volcano. What are the rules to be respected given the recent eruptive activities of the volcano? How far is it possible to go? Given the recent activity of Etna with the spectacular lava fountains produced by the South East Crater, it...
Many of you are asking us why, despite the red alert (as per the DPRC Notice) and the closure of the Summit Craters, it is still possible to book excursions to the summit craters of Etna. As professionals authorized by law, we have been trained to carry out the most...
Many tourists often ask if it is possible to climb to the top of the highest active volcano in Europe. Well the answer is certainly yes !. Clearly it is very important to have in mind the general conditions of the volcano, this is because the persistent activity of...
How to climb Etna to the top? Useful information on bans, ordinances It is always difficult to find enough information on the web about the possibility of hiking on the highest active volcano in Europe. How it works then… There are many hikers who wish to...